NAD+ therapy has become a trending topic as celebrities discuss it, social media influencers share their personal testimonies and experiences with NAD+, and integrative medicine doctors recommend it more and more. But what is NAD+? How does it work? And what is it used for?

A lot of news clips and articles treat NAD+ like a “miracle drug”. Note it isn’t a drug, it’s a supplement. While NAD+ may seem like a miracle supplement, we want to demystify it. Here we are explaining exactly what it is, how it works, and why you may want to consider introducing NAD+ to your personal treatment plan.

Disclaimer: As of January 2024, NAD+ is not FDA-approved as a drug, but it is presently regulated as a dietary supplement.

What Is NAD+

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme that can be found throughout your body in each and every cell. This enzyme is directly linked to the energy needed for cells to function. So NAD+ is a building block of your body that allows each cell to perform its task. If you were to be deficient in NAD+ you would constantly feel tired, have weak muscles and have brain fog regularly.

According To The Remedy Room NAD+ is vital for proper organ function. Some examples they point out are how NAD+ is needed for proper brain function, our heart needs NAD+ to pump blood through our body, and our lungs need NAD+ to breathe.

What Is NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ Therapy is the vitamin treatment and regular administering of NAD+ to your body to assist with a variety of health problems or deficiencies.

How Is NAD+ Therapy Administered?

NAD+ Therapy can be administered or taken in 3 ways:

  • NAD+ Oral Supplement Treatment: Taking oral supplements can be effective, but a lot of supplements can be lost through your digestion.
  • NAD+ Subcutaneous Injections: Injections of NAD+ is a great way to get a small amount of NAD+ directly into your body.
  • NAD+ Intravenous (IV) Therapy: Using IV Therapy, you can deliver NAD+ supplements directly to your bloodstream so they are able to reach the cells in your body faster and effectively. This is the most effective way of taking NAD+ supplements.

Why Should I Consider NAD+ Therapy?

As we age, our NAD+ levels slowly start to decrease. With this decrease comes a loss of energy, a decrease in body function, and a myriad of health problems. While NAD+ may not be the direct solution to all of these health problems that arise as we age, it provides a promising assistant to our bodies and every cell in our body when we supplement with NAD+.

Taking a NAD+ supplement has several benefits, such as bettering cellular performance, heart health, lung function, skin renewal, and cognitive advantages. Restoring NAD+ levels may provide people with more energy, a happier mood, and a lower chance of developing age-related illnesses.

When Should I Take NAD+?

Supplementing with NAD+ is helpful for people whose levels are decreasing as a result of age or lifestyle choices. Supporting NAD+ levels requires making eight hours of sleep a priority, eating a balanced diet, controlling stress, and implementing other lifestyle modifications. When these lifestyle modifications are insufficient on their own, supplements become very important.

How To Naturally Increase NAD+ In Your Body

There are a variety of ways to increase NAD+ levels in your body, and all of them can be summed up with living a healthy lifestyle. Below are a few of the recommended ways to increase NAD+ in your body:

  • Regular Exercise: Exercising on a regular basis promotes NAD+ in your body and improves your overall health. This leads to an increase in DNA-rebuilding proteins and a slowed aging process.
  • Dietary Changes: Drinking cows’ milk, limiting white flower consumption, and consuming more food with vitamin B, like avocados, fish, and peanuts, can increase NAD+. Also, having healthy digestion is key to your diet being effective.
  • Fasting & Specific Diets: It has been found intermittent fasting boosts NAD+ as well as the Ketosis diet that focuses on low-carb and high-protein foods.
  • Apply Heat To Your Body: Natural and artificial heat like saunas and hot tubs or simply warm weather can boost your NAD+ levels.
  • Avoid The Sun: While heat can be a benefit, direct exposure to the sun can lower your NAD+ levels.

What Are The Benefits Or Uses Of NAD+

While it may seem like the benefits are endless, we are going to try to break down the different sicknesses, chronic diseases, or basic problems that NAD+ has provided evidence of being a solution to. Many of the items below are presently undergoing testing to know the clear impact NAD+ is having on the health of different patients.

1. Using NAD+ To Cure Alzheimer’s & Dementia

It is vital we point out NAD+ therapy is not a cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia, but it can have a positive effect on your health and brain. While there is no conclusive evidence that NAD+ can reverse the effects or slow the effects of Alzheimer’s, there are many individual cases of it helping with some of the symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological illness that causes memory loss and cognitive deterioration. NAD+ has been connected to brain health and is essential for neuronal activity. According to some research, NAD+ treatment may enhance neuronal resilience and lower oxidative stress, which in turn may boost cognitive function.

2. Using NAD+ To Fight Addictions

According to an NAD+ research study for alcohol addiction, utilizing NAD+ supplement therapy to fight addiction has been used and tested since the 1960s. NAD+ therapy—especially when administered intravenously (IV)—has been used to complement addiction treatment. Significant NAD+ depletion is frequently seen by people with a history of drug and alcohol misuse, which can result in cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and impaired cellular function. Long-term IV NAD+ treatment (three to ten days) has demonstrated potential in reducing cravings and symptoms associated with withdrawal.

According to Colorado IV Therapy:

“NAD+ can act on proteins that are involved in energy production and inflammatory regulation. In this manner, NAD+ can maintain cellular health and growth, helping to keep the body’s moods stabilized. This way, NAD+ supplements can correct imbalances of this coenzyme and improve your symptoms of anxiety.”

3. Using NAD+ To Combat Old Age

The possibility of NAD+ supplementation to reduce the effects of aging has drawn a lot of interest. Social media’s and celebrity’s focus on avoiding aging is linked to why there are so many people interested in the health benefits of NAD+ treatment’s benefits in “de-aging”.

NAD+ levels naturally decrease with aging, which has an effect on cellular performance and general health. Restoring NAD+ may benefit people by improving their energy levels, cognitive function, and maybe delaying the aging process. NAD+ is essential for maintaining cellular health and can help lead a more youthful and active lifestyle, even if it cannot stop aging on its own.

4. Using NAD+ To Fight Chronic Fatigue

The defining characteristic of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a persistent, inexplicable tiredness that does not go away with rest. Because NAD+ treatment promotes cellular energy generation, it has demonstrated potential in treating chronic tiredness. NAD+ supplementation may be beneficial for people who struggle with CFS because it helps improve mitochondrial activity and maximize cellular energy, which may lessen symptoms related to chronic tiredness. To make sure NAD+ therapy is a good choice to combat your CFS, speak with your medical professional. At PEAK we would love to assess your health needs and guide you to PEAK health.

5. Using NAD+ For Weight Loss

Optimizing NAD+ levels can help with weight control even if NAD+ isn’t technically a weight loss solution. People may feel more energized and motivated to exercise if general cellular function and energy production are supported; this might potentially help with weight loss attempts.
Essentially, having NAD+ supplements in your body results in you experiencing what your body would feel like if it had a healthy lifestyle history. This impacts your metabolism’s function, your brain function, and overall motivation and drive. It is more of a spark that starts the personal fire to be more healthy and live a healthier lifestyle whether it is through diet or exercise.

6. Using NAD+ To Treat Fear & Anxiety

The treatment of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders using NAD+ therapy has shown promise. Extended intravenous NAD+ treatment has shown promise for treating patients with severe depression or anxiety. However, since everyone reacts differently, it’s crucial to speak with a healthcare provider to figure out the best course of action when it comes to dealing with mental health issues.

7. Using NAD+ To Fight Cancer

While NAD+ research for cancer treatment is ongoing, exploring the function of NAD+ in cancer prevention and therapy is becoming more and more popular. NAD+ deficiency is linked to aging and several illnesses. Cancer, in many cases, has its onset later in life and is linked to declining health. In cancer treatment, it is necessary for DNA repair and the preservation of genomic integrity.

According to some research, NAD+ regulation may affect the behavior of cancer cells. But it’s crucial to remember this is in the testing phase, and NAD+ isn’t a stand-alone therapy for cancer. In order to completely comprehend the intricate connection between NAD+ and cancer, more research is required.

8. Using NAD+ To Fight Lymes Disease

Fatigue, joint pain, and neurological problems are just a few of the symptoms that can result from Lyme disease, which is brought on by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is more recent that studies have been conducted using NAD+ to help people who have Lymes disease.

NAD+ therapy’s ability to promote cellular function and the immune system may improve general health during the healing process. It is important to know there is not evidence of its ability to treat Lyme disease. People who have Lyme disease should speak with medical specialists to learn about complete treatment regimens that can include NAD+ as a supporting component.

How Much Does NAD+ Cost?

The length of the treatment and the administration method determine how much NAD+ therapy costs. In contrast to subcutaneous injections and intravenous treatment, oral supplements are often less expensive. Oral supplements are also less effective. It is best to utilize quality supplements in your treatment and have this managed and administered by a medical professional.

  • The Cost Of Oral NAD+ Supplements: $80-$160 for a month’s supply.
  • The Cost Of NAD+ Injections: $200-$300 for an initial trial of therapy (4 weeks).
  • The Cost Of NAD+ IV Therapy: $200-400 per infusion.

These prices vary on how often they are utilized and the number of pills, injections, or IV Therapy sessions.

Why Are NAD+ IV Therapy Sessions So Expensive?

Typically, the cost is associated with the amount of NAD+ utilized in the IV therapy. If you need less, you will be charged less, and you will be utilizing the medical provider’s resources for less time. Additionally, a medical provider’s knowledge and expertise directly impact the price of NAD+. If they have performed a lot of research on NAD+ then they know the overall value for your health and the appropriate dosage to impact your health. Making them an invaluable part of the therapy.

Contact PEAK Integrative Medicine For NAD+ Info In Pennsylvania

If you are a resident of Pennsylvania or are located in our local region of Schuylkill County and Berks County, contact us to learn more about NAD+ and how it might be a solution to your health problems. We would love to set up a consultation to learn more about you and your health.

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